LOÏE. 03

‘Collective Signatures – Performing the BODY / Performing the TEXT’

30 de April de 2019
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First image: © Lorenza Cini


Photographs and excerpts from an unreleased corpus of performative texts written and conceived during Collective Signatures II.

COLLECTIVE SIGNATURES II edition | “Performing the Body – Performing the Text” was conceived as an educational experience specifically designed by artist duo VestAndPage, curated by Francesca Carol Rolla, and with the special participation of Marcel.lí Antúnez Roca. Conceived as a ten-day residency in Formentera (Balearic Islands, ES), November 2018, the workshop addressed to Balearic and international artists (Ana Celada, Lorenzo Alessandro Pepe, Valeria Del Vecchio, Negritos, Lulu Obermeyer, Isa Sanz, Diana Coca, Francisco Javier Barrera Barceló, Dario Fusco, Concha Vidal, Lorenza Cini, Matilde Sambo), previously selected by the curator and invited to gather in the island to challenge the evidence of language, from a more performative, experimental perspective. Presented by Studio Contemporaneo non-profit Cultural Association, COLLECTIVE SIGNATURES has been realized in collaboration with the Venice International Performance Art Week and the Doctoral School of Humanity, Strasbourg University (FR), and under the patronage of the Conseill Insular de Formentera, the Conseilleria de Cultura, Participatio I Esports, Institut d’Estudis Balearics, and the program TalentIB.


Navigators long since! Inhabitants of floating words,

Language-shapers on other islands’ shores –

Performance artists, textual explorers, radical curators,

Utopian thinkers and archaeologists. Vernacular poets!

There is a sign language, memories chiselled in capsules of time.

An alphabet concealed between people.


A word moving on the wind of your breath responds to our proximity.

I friction the unmarked on my appetite to name it.


Francesca Carol Rolla, ARCHIPELAGO

To those up there, who feel the urge to give voice to something hybrid

| shifting | poetic | potential | generative | collective | political |

A corpus of walking thoughts and radical bodies

Exploring the ruins of emptied words, navigating the irreversible crises of reason, I gather again in Formentera a temporary autonomous archipelago of language-sharpers to challenge the evidence of language. On the edge of hope of better conditions, we carve a prayer on our chest. We weave our saliva, breaking through a monolithic dead tongue standing as a wall.

We are like microcosms inhabiting a horizontal collective signature. Each kilometre, we translate the accents of this island – nineteen endings and new beginnings. We are together to negotiate conventional meanings, to update our alphabet, to let water flow and cure layers of archaeological amnesia.

The TEXT is the body, the BODY traces the landscape.

Visible and invisible signs tweak our compass. The copy-and-paste generation has already bowed our identities, reason why we are here to hazard a radical navigation. We are here to find ourselves over the barrel, and spit prejudices. We will arrange our homes, tune our spirit, offer wishes, and sharpen our instruments. We will draw our poetic treasure hunt map to press on to our destination.

Will we survive in this watery battlefield?

©  Francisco Javier Barrera Barceló


Francesco Javier Barrera Barcelò, LYCANTHROMANCE

 ¿Tratar de comprender la realidad

no es como tratar de comprender lo incomprensible?

Una cuerda ata un cuerpo. Desde el cuello. Una cuerda en un teatro construido por las rocas, respirando gris y azul y pájaros. Brazos desnudos, manos teñidas de polvo, el resplandor sobre la piel. Y caer, apartando las piedras a patadas.

Varias preguntas más sin contestar y, luego, la desaparición de la cabeza en la FRONTERA.

Las palabras cuelgan inermes de la boca como una cascada lenta. Sus manos golpean suavemente los límites de la cueva. No entiendo al ser humano. No puedo hablar. El silencio es la frontera. No sirve de nada el arte para evitar la muerte en la frontera. Tragas arena y encoge tu sombra. Han desaparecido los cuerpos. Pero la hoja en blanco los conserva.

¡No te vayas! Ten: un papel a cambio de una piedra. No te hará daño. ¡Cuidado con las que más pesan! Podrían herir tus pies o tu espalda.


© Francisco Javier Barrera Barceló


Francesca Carol Rolla, WHO ARE YOU?

In your unwillingness to trust, even if my body stays present to itself, words fall like dominoes on the epidermis of my island.

In your unwillingness to trust, my voice sounds like the kaleidoscopic high speaker of my constitutional revolution. Visceral verses trace images standing for their difference in their tensional unit.

In your unwillingness to trust, my gesture tries to change these preordained sequences, and shove our boundaries.



Alma que busca el significado de la palabra alma = gaviota empetrolada. Porque nadie busca en el diccionario el significado de la palabra diccionario. Todos han muerto para mi, los significados se han hecho indivisibles en la llanura.

En cambio, rebota el primer aroma, el instante crudo de ese animal suelto que acopia lo que al mismo tiempo suprime. Inverosímil e inexistente como imperecedera e inacabable. Digan lo que digan. Hagan lo que hagan. No juzgo. Me quedo ahí instantáneo, eterno, obediente y alado. Abortando y naciendo. Insignificante y posible.

Joven, curador y radical, no se preocupe por mi. Artistas somos todos, incluso los que no lo son. Usted haga lo que tenga que hacer, yo lo haré también, y así todos. Lo que no sucede es porque está sucediendo, o que mas da, en mi sistema de creencias no existen los objetivos a alcanzar. Permanecer en estado de naturalidad ante las cosas tal y como son y desde ese estado proveer y no imponer es la nota que escucho que mi pecho toca. Sufrir por estar sufriendo es un buen punto de partida para generar y contemplar arte. Estar alineado es a lo que me refiero, no tener necesidad de manipular los estados, habitarlos convierte a quien sea en artista, de los que generan, de los que contemplan o de los que impulsan. Entender la expresión del otro sin poder explicarlo podría decir que es uno de los goces supremos de estar habitado, se retrata en mi mente como la imagen placentera de vivir en una casa con las puertas y ventanas abiertas.

Es por eso que joven, curador y radical, una vez más, no tengo nada que pedir, la casa está abierta, la comida está lista, siéntate, háblame, escúchame, lo que quieras.



Rappresentare la febbrile attesa in cui si trovano le parole mentre vagabondano nel vuoto universale delle infinite possibilità. Funambole, circolano sul cavo sottile e resistente del logos, della consecutio temporum, della sintassi, della tesi, della follia e basta l’emergenza di un’idea a farle cadere sul terreno ancora vergine del discorso e una volta pronunciate, prendono forma in immagini e vita in gesti, per definire il perimetro della realtà.

Il mio corpo non si fa scrittura se non parola.


Ana Celada, EXEMPLO

Toda yo soy un ejemplo que camina.

Cuando hablo, soy un ejemplo.

Cuando camino por la calle

Cuando me levanto y preparo el café

soy un ejemplo

La manera en la que hablo, si grito o si susurro,

si esbozo una media sonrisa: el ejemplo.

Si digo: ven, vamos a la calle.

Si digo: ¡Ven, vamos a la calle!


Temo no ser lo suficientemente ecuánime

Temo no ver con claridad temo no poder ayudar a mis hijas,

que crezcan con temor. Soy un ejemplo.

Y yo me pregunto: ¿quién quiero ser yo? ¿Cómo quiero ser?

Cómo actuar para sentir orgullo por mis acciones, por mi comportamiento.

Me digo: soy un ejemplo.

Y tengo que tener cuidado, mucho cuidado porque veo miles de cosas que me dañan.

Recientemente leí unos detalles horripilantes sobre un caso de pederastia y no pude…

Lorenza Cini

© Lorenza Cini


Lorenzo Alessandro Pepe + Francesca Carol Rolla, CAOS NOMOS LOGOS

Caos é il mondo. Feroce vorticare atomico, muto ed eterno. Nomos il corpo che percepisce e misura. Luce e buio, freddo e caldo, alto e basso, prima e dopo. Logos la parola che lo esprime, lo comparte e lo diffonde come un virus, fatta di segni gettati nel mondo. | He is sit alone on the stage, blind to the audience and lucid to himself. Like a hermit, he interrogates ‘thinking’ as the archetypal image of our society. | A Formentera nacqui come uomo. Misurai l’isola con i miei passi, la ordinai sotto il mio sguardo stupefatto, la raccolsi tra le mani, il mio corpo fece del caos ordine. | You and I, evoking the silence of the sirens. You and I, sharing the adventure of this epidermal journey. You and I, opening the gate of the linguistic maze. | Imagine an underground lake of fresh water in the highest part of the island, el Pilar de La Mola, an altar for ancient extinct Gods, a door opened to an other place, an interstice to shift, become, and move on. | Your crucial synthesis emerges claiming a psychic nomadism. You define yourself as intellettualmente apolide, senza dimora e senza patria, walking between books and shadows of no beliefs. Crystallized falling flakes of order and coherence permeate your body… | E i segni vennero a me dal mondo come glifi di lingue occulte, come mantra dei morti. Come antropopiteco vidi il segno tra le pietre. | Lorenzo, what is a word? | Il segno moltiplica il mondo e lo descrive. Il nome delle cose fa il mondo vasto, profondo, complesso. Tracce gettate sulla riva, spaccature, accidenti del ruggire di materia e spirito. Rapporti tra le cose. Armonia ordine causa ed effetto. Unione e interdipendenza tra le cose.





Images: © Lorenza Cini


Francesca Carol Rolla

Francesca Carol Rolla (Venice, 1986) is a performance art curator, writer, and PhD candidate in Visual Arts at the Doctoral School of Humanities of the University of Strasbourg (FR) with the thesis “Letters to a Radical Performance Curator”. Aligning the curatorial practice with a performative mode of research, and with the aims to set foundations for radical interaction and new terms of exchange, she explores new contemporary approaches to artistic creation and reflection, there where the meaning and value for a responsible and independent co-authorship involves both artists and curators in co-creative processes. She has trained, worked and collaborated with artists such as Bill Viola, Alejandro Jodorowski, Marilyn Arsem, Preach R Sun, VestAndPage, Marcel•lí Antúnez Roca, Antonio Manuel, Guillermo Gomez-Peña and ORLAN, among others.
Since 2014, she is an associate curator of the Venice International Performance Art Week, and coordinator of its Educational Learning Program realized in collaboration with Live Arts Cultures and other international partner organizations. Since 2017, she is an honorary member of La Pocha Nostra.
Since 2019, Francesca Carol Rolla is on the board of LOÏE. Magazine as Director of the “Performance Archive” section, with a strong interest of exploring the journey between curating research and performance writing.
| www.collectivesignatures.com |

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