Temperley has a PhD in Arts (UNA) and she is an Specialist in Critic and Divulgation of the Arts (UNA/National University of the Arts), as well as in Analysis of Choreographic Production (UNLP/National University of La Plata), and Licentiate in Social Communication (UBA/National University of Buenos Aires). Since 2007 is a Professor in Semiotics and Theory of Communication, as well as in Semiotics of the Arts at the Arts Criticism Area (UNA).
For the last decade, she is dedicated to study the relationship between dance and technology and their problematics around contemporary art languages. She has published articles about this topic in Argentinean and international media.
Temperley is author of the book Screendance, Complexity And Periphery. Towards a Platform for Analysis of Dance in Interaction with Technology, 2017, RGC, Buenos Aires) and and Co-compiler of the book Terpsícore en Ceros y Unos. Ensayos de Videodanza (Terpsichore in zeros and ones. Videodance Essays, 2010, Guadalquivir, Buenos Aires).
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